Please read these terms and conditions carefully!

Your use of the website and any purchases of products or services online or in person will be subject to these terms and conditions. By using the website and any products or services, you now hereby agree to these terms and conditions.

You understand that massage therapy is for the purpose of stress reduction, relief from muscular tension or spasm, or for increasing circulation.

You understand that the massage therapist does not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder. The massage therapist does not prescribe medical treatment nor perform spinal manipulations.

You understand that you hold all responsibility for the treatment you receive. 

Important Liability Statement

Any information or services available throughout or in connection with the website, or at any treatment given, do not constitute medical advice and it is your responsibility to determine, through obtaining appropriate medical advice, that you are fit and well for such treatment. Before commencing any treatment, you should consult your doctor first.

It is also vital that you supply us with correct information about yourself and update us immediately should this information happen to change. We cannot be liable for any incorrect information supplied to us. We try to make sure that all information contained on this website is correct, however, subject to the paragraph below, we do not accept any liability for any error or omission. We exclude all liability for any action you take, loss or injury you may suffer (direct or indirect including loss of pay, profit, opportunity or time, pain and suffering, any indirect, consequential or special loss, however arising) as a result of relying on any information on this website or provided through any service supplied by us to you.

You, your legal representatives and your heirs' release, waive, discharge and covenant, not to sue Bath Classical Massage and its practitioners for any injury or death caused by their negligence or other acts.

Use of Cookies

In common with many websites, we use “cookies” to help us gather and store information about visitors to our website. A cookie is a small data file that our server sends to your browser when you visit the website. It does not identify you personally; just the IP address you’re accessing the website from. The use of cookies helps us enhance your experience of the website. You can choose to accept or reject our cookies for any reason. You can delete cookies at any time, or you can set your browser to reject or disable cookies. Unless you have declined to accept our cookies or you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse them, our system will issue cookies when you log on to the website. We may use information from cookies for the following purposes: 

  1. Traffic monitoring, for example, the IP address from which you access the website, the type of browser and operating system used to access the website, the date and time of your access to the website, the pages you visit, and the Internet address of the website from which you accessed our website.

  2. To recognise repeat visitors for statistical/analytical purposes.

  3. Anonymous tracking of interaction with online advertising, for example, to monitor the number of times that a banner ad is displayed and the number of times it is clicked. We may connect the information that we collect through cookies with other personal information that you provide to us. 

Here’s why we’ll do this:

  1. To customise or personalise your experience of the website.

  2. For transactional purposes, such as credit card sales.

  3. To make our communications with you as relevant as possible; for example, by sending you email communications relevant to the parts of the website that you visit most often or by letting you know about features of the website that you have not accessed previously.

We may compile and report to third parties (such as advertisers) aggregate statistics about our users in terms of numbers, traffic patterns and related website information. However, we will never pass on your identity or any personal information about you to a third party. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use most of the features of our website. Most modern browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can change your settings to notify you when a cookie is being set or updated, or to block cookies altogether. Please consult the “Help” section of your browser.

General Information

  1. Bath Classical Massage is Sarjana Makepeace t/a Bath Classical Massage, of 37 Hantone Hill, Bathampton, Bath BA2 6XD

  2. The “Client” is the person who has requested a treatment from Bath Classical Massage

  3. The “Treatment” will be the service that Bath Classical Massage offers to supply to the Client.

  4. The “Price” shall be the amount provided by Bath Classical Massage at the point of order. If the original order is subsequently amended, it will be the figure for the amended order.

  5. These Terms and Conditions will represent the whole of the agreement for provision of Treatments to the Client.

Disclosure of Medical Information

  1. It is essential that the Client makes full and accurate disclosure of any medical conditions and contraindications, as some Treatments are not suitable for those with certain conditions. Unless proper information is supplied by the Client, the proper advice and treatments cannot be given or supplied to them.

  2. If the Client has any concerns about their current state of health they must consult their GP before booking any appointment. More information on medical conditions can be found on this website.

  3. Bath Classical Massage will not provide Treatment to anyone with an infectious disease or skin condition. If in doubt the Client must consult their GP.

  4. The Client must fully disclose any allergies to Bath Classical Massage prior to arrival, in order for us to ascertain if we can safely proceed.

  5. Any serious conditions, such as cancer, must be disclosed before the day of the appointment for the Treatment. This is to ensure that the therapist fully understands your condition and any limitations.

  6. Most Treatments can be adapted for most conditions, but not if prior notice is not given by the Client.

  7. Bath Classical Massage is always available to discuss any concerns regarding any medical conditions or possible medical conditions, and it is for the Client to make full disclosure and act on any advice given.

  8. If medical information is provided on the consultation forms, the Client provides their consent for the data to be retained by Bath Classical Massage as otherwise, no Treatment can be supplied, and Bath Classical Massage will have no liability to the Client. Such consent will initially be obtained when the Client signs the consultation form.


If a Client has a disability or any care requirements, they must inform Bath Classical Massage at the time of booking and upon arrival for the Appointment. This is necessary to ensure that re massage therapy can make any necessary adaptions to ensure that the Client can safely enjoy their Treatment as far as is possible.

Responsibilities of Clients

  1. Clients are advised not to consume alcohol prior to attending the appointment.

  2. Glasses must be removed prior to Treatments.

  3. Clients are advised to remove jewellery when having Treatments.

  4. Following any Treatment, the Client should have a period of relaxation and drink water, as they may experience drowsiness, thirst and possible minor reactions to their Treatments.

  5. The Client should inform the therapist if they are in an uncomfortable position, find the therapists pressure unenjoyable, or if they are too hot or cold. Unless the therapist is told, they won’t be able to ensure the visit is as enjoyable as it should be.

  6. The Client should be aware that the times allocated for treatments is the time of the treatment and additional time should be allocated for getting changed and relaxation after the treatment (approximately 5 -10 minutes).

  7. The Client will be required to complete a health information form prior to the consultation.

  8. The Client will inform Bath Classical Massage of any deadlines or any other time-related factors before the order or Appointment is made and accepted by them. 

  9. Bath Classical Massage will not be liable for any delay in performance, or the inability to provide any Treatment, if the delay or failure is due to an Act of God, fire, inclement or exceptional weather, industrial action, hostilities, breakdown, shortage of labour, materials, power or other supplies, governmental order or intervention or any cause beyond their control.

  10. The Client will inform Bath Classical Massage immediately of any change in the information previously supplied or changes in circumstances.

Procedure and Security

  1. When receiving their Treatment at our premises, Clients must ensure they take all their belongings with them when they leave.

  2. When receiving their Treatment at our premises, Clients are asked to keep to the allocated arrival time given to them as Bath Classical Massage does not have a waiting area or reception.

Cancellation Policy

  1. If a Client wishes to cancel an appointment with more than 24 hours’ notice then the full fee is refunded.

  2. If a Client wishes to cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice there will be no refund.

  3. If a Client wishes to rearrange an appointment then again 24 hours' notice is required.

  4. If a Client wishes to rearrange an appointment with less than 24 hours notice then this may be allowed in exceptional circumstances. Please call or text.

  5. If the client does not show up to an appointment and there has been no communication with Bath Classical Massage beforehand the client will be charged the full appointment fee without the possibility of rearrangement.

  6. The cancellation/postponement fee may be waived in the case that the client tests positive for COVID-19 or any other serious contagious illness at the time of the appointment, or in the case of another serious medical issue.

  7. Bath Classical Massage reserves the right to cancel, modify or terminate an appointment, if there are serious grounds for doing so, and will advise the Client accordingly.

  8. Bath Classical Massage may cancel the Client's appointment if the therapist is unwell, tests positive for COVID-19, or another member of their household is displaying symptoms or tests positive.


  1. Normally payment will be made in advance when booking through the website.

  2. In some circumstances, bank transfer will be offered as a method of payment.

  3. If paying with cash please ensure you have the correct amount as your therapist will not have change.

Data Protection

  1. Bath Classical Massage will comply with the Data Protection Act (2018) which implements the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  2. The data protection policy is available for viewing on the website.

  3. The privacy notice is likewise available on the website.


All details and any information supplied by the Client to Bath Classical Massage will be kept strictly confidential. Any personal information supplied to Bath Classical Massage will be used by them solely for providing the Treatment, and will not be shared unless obligated to provide it by law, court order or any Governmental or regulatory authority

No data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. While we strive to protect such information, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


We may at any time revise these terms and conditions without notice. Please check regularly. Continued use of the web pages after a change has been made is your acceptance of the change.